Written by 11:06 pm 2008

The Experience Music Project and University Washington

Yesterday we went to visit the Experience Music Project.  It is a museum dedicated to music.  It was fun. We got to be a rock band and record “Twist and Shout” in front of screaming fans. They made a DVD for us.  Jenny is on guitar, I am keyboard, David drums, and Alex the maracas running all over the place. It was great.

They also had booths where you could try playing drums, keyboard, signing, and guitars.  Lots of information on famous musicians. It was interesting.

Today Jenny went for a visit to the University of Washington with Beth. They toured the entire campus and Jenny thought it was great.  She thinks her school in Grenoble has an exchange program with Seattle and she may be able to study here for a year! 

This afternoon we played soccer in the park for only 10 minutes and then David and Alex were both whining and complaining – and I was exhausted – so we had to quit.  It was me, David, and Alex against Jenny and Jenny won easily!

Tomorrow – we may do a hike to a waterfall.  Should be nice.

The Experience Music Project.

Jenny blocking David’s goal attempt

Walk through the nature trail – with two boys complaining!

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