We arrived in Taunton, England (Somerset County) to visit my friend Andrew Wallace and his family. I’ve known Andrew for 31 years which is hard to believe. We met when I was teaching in Crediton in 1981. We started the day with a visit to the farm of his wife’s (Helen) brother’s (Arthur) farm which was a kick. Arthur provided us a tour of his farm and it was excellent. We got to pet some pigs though Friday was the last day for them to be at the farm as on Saturday there were to be moved to a location eventually on someones table for dinner.
Arthur also has a few hens so we visited their coop and David got to hold a hen.
As we were making our walk we saw one of Arthur’s sons who is 14 (same age as David) driving the tractor pictured below. David hopped in but did no driving.
Arthur also raises cows so we paid his herd a visit. The farm is nestled into the picturesque English countryside, an idyllic setting though you had to be careful where you stepped as cow pies (large ones) were abundant.
We bonded with the cows and as we left they followed us. Alex loved it and his quote his below the picture. Arthur and his wife Christine were gracious hosts and we spent an absolutely wonderful morning touring a working English farm.
Cows: don’t leave us! Mooooo… – Alex
After lunch we visited the Taunton Castle Museum which was excellent. It had several interactive exhibits which Alex loved.
After a great visit at the museum we treated ourselves to a refreshing drink at the museum cafe.
Back to Andrew and Helen’s house for table tennis and dinner. A great way to end a great day in Taunton.