The Kobylkas in Europe

Month: July 2014

Amsterdam VI


We spent much of the day on the canals today which was great. I really didn’t take any good photos that showed the intricacies of the...
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Amsterdam IV & V


More rain on Monday which limited our movements for much of the day but we still made it out for a walk, lunch and dinner. Tuesday was a...
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Amsterdam III


Today the Texas Kobs arrived in Amsterdam from Dallas. This is our fourth meeting overseas with brother Joe, his wife Janet and on this...
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Amsterdam II


We started our first full day in Amsterdam with a bus ride to the train station. The station is gorgeous. Notice all the bicycles, there...
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Rothenburg to Frankfurt


 Back together for traveling. This photo is outside of our hotel and the woman on the right owns/runs it along with her husband. They run...
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Rothenburg II


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Rothenburg I


We departed France and took a six hour train journey to Rothenburg, Germany. All five transfers went without a hitch and we arrived in the...
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Our last day in Toulon and we see say “à bientôt!” to our lovely French friends. They were, as always, gracious and fun...
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Toulon II


We headed to Aix en Provance today and I was in for a surprise in that I always thought of Provence as a rural area, which it is, though...
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Toulon I


A change in plans as we moved from Menton to Toulon where Patrick and Marlène live. M. Rizo and Arlette came along as well. No photos...
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