Written by 7:31 am 2012 • 2 Comments

York (redux)

Our second full day in York was terrific. The first stop was Micklegate which had a small museum that focused on the War of the Roses and was outstanding. Small, it was packed with information and interactive exhibits such as the one in the photo above. I’d like to have one of these at home.

Lots of armor at the museum for the boys to try on.

Alex donned a caif which protected a knight’s head from his helmet (which as not padded).

Good old fashioned brotherly love.

The entrance to Micklegate, the museum is inside this structure. Also, the head of poor Richard III was displayed on a pick outside this very gate.

From Micklegate we went to Monkgate where there was another small but superb museum documenting the case of Richard III and whether or not he murdered (or ordered the murder) of his two nephews to gain the throne. Simply an outstanding museum.

Outside of Monkgate and the museum in is this structure.

We visited Trinity Church which is near York Minster and it dates back to 1100.

York Minster is an amazing structure but it is so big it is difficult to capture with a camera, I tried but the two photos above don’t nearly do it justice. York Minster was built in the 1200s – 1300s.

Our last stop in York was the Yorkshire Air Museum which houses one of the largest collections of planes in the country. Many buildings filled with exhibits it was a great way to finish our stay in York. On to Cambridge.

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