Written by 5:31 am 2012 • One Comment

Taunton II

We started the day with another climbing course, this time in Taunton. While similar to the course in France, there were several differences.

This course had only one zip line (the course in France had several) and this course was higher off the ground. The Taunton course also used a different harness mechanism.

We were also provided helmets which was different from the course in France. While the helmets were provided for safety reasons, it was not because of falling, it was due to golf balls as the course borders a golf course.

I did the course along with David and Alex.

On this part of the course David needed assistance from the staff as he tried to cross between platforms without using the tires. While he made it to the platform, he could not pull himself up on to it so a staff person assisted him in getting back to the platform to the starting platform (to the right of the tires) and showed him how to cross and away he went. After seeing David dangling 40 feet above ground Alex decided not to complete the course which was fine, though it did surprise me because typically Alex is fearless.

We completed the course and it took about 75 minutes. It is a rigorous endeavor and was an excellent time.

Alex watch us complete the course and still was “a bit freaked out” by the tires even after we finished.

We went over to Andrew/Helen’s house afterwards for a sumptuous lunch and sent the afternoon talking, playing games (Uno, Yahtzee, and table tennis).

Alex “chilaxing” in the hammock. It was the perfect way to end another great day in Taunton!

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