Written by 9:23 pm 2012 • 2 Comments


We arrived in Prague and I can tell were in the Czech Republic because when we made a dinner reservation and the waiter asked me for my name, I didn’t have to spell it. I think that is a first. While there are not many Kobylkas in the USA, there are lots of them here. We walked around the city and then went on a two hour boat ride which was terrific.

I didn’t know that Prague was on a river (the Vltava) so there are many, many bridges which reminds me of the Seine in Paris. I enjoy boat trips because it gives you a different perspective of a city or countryside.

Prague is a gorgeous city and tomorrow we’ll visit the castle, cathedral and hopefully the Communist Museum.

At dinner Alex asked to order dessert and wanted the “Sweet Secret,” which was fine by me as long as the “secret” was going to be something Alex would eat. I asked the waiter what was in the sweet secret and he refused to tell me because it was a secret. Alex thought that was hysterical. Kids.

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