Had a short 3 hour drive into Toulon yesterday and met our friends Marlene qnd Patrick.
They gave us a very warm welcome with champagne and a great bbq.
They have a beautiful poool and the boys were swimming all morning, Had lunch of delicious fish on the patio in the shaden listening to the cicadas. They are loud!!!
Right now Richard is off to the beach with the boys and Patrick. Marlene and I will enjoy the quiet of the house and will swim and read. It is heavan.
I am typing this on a French keyboard that has the letters a bit mixed up!! It is a *azerty* insteqd of qwerty
So I zill keep it short:
Tomorrow _ onto Mention a day early ) M. Rizo wants us all to go to the fete de Pied Noir: Then q large dinner chez Audette ) with all the Joe Kobylka family as well. 22 in all: Should be interesting.