The Kobylkas in Europe

Written by 11:25 pm 2010

London Day #2

I think all of our internal clocks are reset, though we’ll find out tonight and tomorrow. We didn’t get out the door until 1pm or so which was fine. Our first stop was the Imperial War Museum and we spend a couple of hours in it. The IWM is a terrific museum with a ton of exhibits and oodles of information. We spend most of our time in the First and Second World War exhibits.

Next up was the Sherlock Holmes Museum which we visited more at my prodding. We saw the recent Sherlock Holmes movie and the boys really liked it. It was better than I expected but for me Sherlock Holmes doesn’t get any better than Jeremy Brett. I saw him play Holmes live in a play during my 1989 trip to England. Anyway, the museum was a good time.

In front of the museum.

Donning the Holmes look.

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