Had an easy drive into Dover today. Rich has gotten quite comfortable with the driving here – me – less so. I’ll be happy to switch back to the right side and maybe some wider roads would be nice. And as much as I *love* navigating for Rich (“Left here honey — oh wait – maybe you should have gone right?”) – we will try to get a GPS system for the France car and hope that relieves some stress for me anyway. (At a minimum Rich can scold the GPS system instead of me.)
All in all driving wasn’t too bad and we had no major accidents!
We have both been surprised at the number of road signs we don’t immediately understand. My favorite is the large exclamation point with no description. It seemed to sum up my feelings much of the time while driving. We called it the “PANIC NOW!!!” sign. Another was a big red X that at first we thought was “wrong way” – but knew that wasn’t right as all cars were going in that direction. We figured it meant don’t do something but were not sure what. Sometimes it would have “X – for 10 miles” and then “X – end” – and I’d tell Rich – whatever it is – you can start doing it now. (We found out later it was for no stopping on shoulder.)
Don’t complain to the Brits about high gas prices – they are over $9 a gallon here!
After our arrival in Dover – Rich and Alex hiked up to Dover castle which Rich will detail for anyone interested. David and I took a relaxing walk into town, had a light lunch and checked out the shops.
For dinner we went to a wonderful Italian restaurant. David refused to do one more pub – much to Rich’s disappointment. We had a good meal nonetheless and toasted our last dinner in England.
It has been just great and we are looking forward to France!!
Alex and I had a great three hour walk around Dover Castle today. The castle was built in the late 1100s and was added on to frequently in the subsequent centuries. It had extensive use during WWII and the secret tunnels originally dug for the Napoleonic Wars were significantly expanded. The evacuation of Dunkirk and the naval operations for D-Day were supervised from the tunnels in Dover Castle.
Gas prices – 1.17 pounds for a litre. Equates to over $9 a gallon.
Dover Castle
Way home from Dinner – last night in England!