Written by 4:14 am 2008

Goodbye England — Hello France!!

We left England by ferry yesterday and waved good bye to the white cliffs of Dover!  Very nice ferry ride and entry to Calais!

Nice to be in France – but the most joyous event of the day – perhaps the trip – was to find out  – our renal car had been upgraded to a midsize WITH A GPS system!!!!    We call her Bessie and she did a FABULOUS job of getting us to Bayeux.   What a relief. I didn’t have to look at the map once and Richard and I could actually converse without worrying about finding the next route. It was wonderful! 

Had a nice dinner and good wine in Bayeux. The boys have gotten into the spirit of learning French and even conversed with the waiter a bit.

Today Rich and David are going to see the Bayeux tapestry and then we’ll all go visit the invasion beaches and a WWII museum. With Bessie  – I am confident we’ll find everything!

Off to breakfast of chocolate croissants and cafe ole!  We will miss the English breakfasts!

Good bye England!

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