Written by 11:00 pm 2008

Jenny plays baseball!

A nice day today. No travelling. First a breakfast with blueberry pancakes and maple syrup. yum!

Then we walked to the library. Jenny was surprised our library was open on a Sunday. She found a good book and CD on learning English. She’ll listen to the CD each night and complete the workbook.

We also found a class at the library “Learn English – talk time” – it is just a group of people who get together on Thursday evenings to practice speaking English. Jenny will go to the next class and see how it goes.

In the afternoon Richard threw baseballs to Jenny, David and Alex so they could practice batting.  Jenny was good!!  She hit the ball so hard it went over the net and into the woods!!  The only problem – we kept losing the ball!!!

In the evening  my mom joined us for dinner and loved meeting Jenny. We all played “Gesstures” which is a fun game and helps Jenny work on her English.

Now we are watching a movie and having popcorn!

At the library.

Jenny smashingthe baseball. Alex calls Jenny – “KABOOM!!!”

My mom joined us for dinner and loved Jenny.

Playing Gesstures – Alex must get in the picture. Jenny looking up words in her French/English dictionary.

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