Written by 5:52 pm 2008


Jenny was DIEING for some REAL food!!   She can’t take hot dogs, hamburgers, donuts, and nachos!! I don’t know why????  So – my friend David Chinn (from the hike) – took us to a real FRENCH restaurant.

We had mussels, endive salad, aspargus with ham, duck!!   Good bread!   Good wine  — sadly – none for Jenny – it’s illegal!!  But she was able to have a good dessert — creme brulee and chocolate mousse for David.  (Not as good as a good plate of nachos – but it will do.)

The restaurant also provided a list of rules that one must follow at a true French restaurant.  Jenny – understood them all.  Check it out and see if you agree…..

Finally – today, we visited David and Alex’s school and met the teachers.  Jenny was surprised that there are so many flags flapping around.   Every class has the US flag and the Washington state flag and the students must recite the pledge of allegiance every morning when school starts.  Even the parents and teachers must recite it at meetings.  Here is the pledge:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
And to the republic for which it stands
One nation under God
With liberty and justice for all.

Of course – my friend David Chinn told us of another version of the pledge created  by Matt Groening that he read about.  Here it is:

I plead alignment to the flakes of the untitled snakes of a merry cow
And to the Republicans for which they scam
One nacho, underpants
With licorice and jugs of wine for owls.

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