The Kobylkas in Europe

Written by 9:35 pm 2008

Day 5: Last Day in London!

Well – our last day in London was good and bad.  First the good. We actually got up at out by 9:00 – which is quite early for us. Had a delicious breakfast in the city. Eggs and Rashers – which is bacon or sausage -not sure which. Then we hopped on the double-decker sight seeing bus for a tour around. It’s great because you can hop off anytime you want to see a sight and then hop back on later.

Only problem….. you *need* to hang on to your ticket. Oops. We hopped off to visit the Imperial War Museum (great time!).  Hopped back on over to the Tower of London – wonderful tour! 

And then – bad news – no more ticket.  Worse news – David lost his iPod.   Seems all that hopping is not so good for keeping things in your pockets.  Poor David – this morning he received a stern lecture from Richard – “You can take the iPod for the day – but if you lose it – it is *gone* – you’ll never be given another.”  Oh dear. A painful life lesson was hopefully learned today.

Other than lost tickets and treasure and paying $6 per bottle for 4 bottles of water when we were thirsty – it was a great day! 

London has been great – but  I think the boys are ready to slow the pace. Tomorrow we drive to Taunton to visit friends. I’m sure the adventure of driving on the left in unknown teriitoy with me navigating will be just the calm, quiet day the boys need. Sadly there willl be no iPod to tune the world out. More of the adventure.

David on the hop on hop off bus. Where is the iPod??

Changing of the guard

David, Alex, and Rich volunteered to be soldiers at the Tower of London

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