Day 4: HMS Belfast & London Bridge Experience
We got a late start today. Richard slept until 11:30 and then we decided we needed to do laundry. The laundry machine takes over an hour to...
Day 3: Playground and Lord of the Rings
We went back into the city again. We are getting good at using the subway. Rich bought oyster cards so we just swipe the card which is...
Day 2: In the City!
We had our first day in the city! Took a bus and then the “tube” and finally got to Trafalgar Square. Lots of...
Rich and me at dinner
Showing Richard how to add entries to our blog!...
We arrive in London!!
We made it to London!!! Everythinhg went smooth as silk. Rich insisted we carry on ALL 8 of our bags – but amazingly they all...
12 more days to go!!
Can’t believe we will be leaving in 12 days!!! It is all coming together. Rich is planning England, I am planning France. We’re...
Setting up a Blog! 45 days before we take off!
We are planning our trip! First step: get a blog! Here we are. Only 1 month left before we take off for the big...
44 Days to go!
Making a list of things to do!...