We made it to London!!! Everythinhg went smooth as silk. Rich insisted we carry on ALL 8 of our bags – but amazingly they all fit.
We were on a 777 – each seat has a TV screen. They served a full dinner. Alex and David were thrilled – Alex insisted that we must be in FIRST CLASS! After dinner we watched TV, the boys played the games boys for awhile and then we all fell asleep.
The TV had several movies you could choose from and 1 channel that showed a picture of the airplan with a map so you could see where we were flying. We followed the plane across Canada a bit over the Atlantic and then Greenland and down into London. It was fun.
Two hours before we landed they served breakfast and coffee – which was great.
We took a funny looking cab to our apartment about 10 minutes from the airport. Was good to settle in.
At first I thought the apartment was odd – no sheets, no towels! But then the cleaners arrived and made everything up and now I like it. It has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room and small table and kitchen. It’s great – in an interesting neighborhood.
We walked to the first restaurant we could find =- a Thai restaurant and pub! It was great. Now we are home for the night – let’s hope we can all sleep tonight! The boys are watching “The Simpsons”.
Tomorrow we take the bus to the Tube station and the Tube into the city. We’l see the Parliment and Westminster Abbey and have Gellato at Harrods and maybe do the London Eye – which is a ferris wheel that goes up high and you get a great view.
We are so excited! So far so good!
Getting a cab outside of London