The Kobylkas in Europe

Written by 9:27 pm 2010 • 2 Comments

The World Cup in Spain

We toured the Sagrada Familia today and it was outstanding. A massive church that Antonio Gaudi began his work on in 1883 and it is still under construction was a definite highlight of our stay in Barcelona. It is hard to believe that after well over 100 years the cathedral remains under construction. Still, it was gorgeous and we spend close to two hours exploring it.

One of the facades of the Sagrada Familia, just a great site to visit in Barcelona.

An interior shot of the Sagrada Familia.

We also went to a park designed by An\tonia Gaudi call Parque Guell which was terrific as well. Not as imposing as La Sagrada Familia, but impressive nonetheless.

We ended the day watching the World Cup, Spain vs. Germany in a Spanish restaurant and had a wonderful time. Spain won 1-0 and it was a great match. I’ve watched more “football” in the last three weeks than in my entire life combined. We loved being in the home country of the of the team’s in the semi-finals for the World Cup.

The Kobylka clan watching the semi-finals of the World Cup with a bunch of Spanairds. It was a great time.

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