Written by 10:06 pm 2008

Loire Valley!!

yesterday we arrived in Chennonceau – in the Loire Valley. This is our first hotel with a pool. As we drove up – the boys grabbed their suits and were in the pool before we had even parked the car.  It is a beautifuold hotel with a pool and pretty garden. We even have a large suite with 2 rooms and a living area. It is great!

It is about 50 yards away from a pretty chateau – Chennonceau. After dinner Alex and I walked down to the Chateau. They have a night time vist with lights shinning on the castle and the gardens. Very nice. It stays light here so late that you have to wait until about 11:00 for it to get really dark.

Today –  we got chocolate croissants from the local pattiserrie for breakfast and had a nice late start to the date. Rich went into town to do laundry and I went swimming with the boys.

Then we all visited the Chateau in the day. RIch and David were slightly unimpressed because there are no battles or wars associated with the castle.

We rented a row boat and rowed around the river by the Chateau for awhile. I demonstrated my tremendous rowing ability and David was a quick learner as well.

We had a fabulous dinner in our hotel last night – but it was a bit dicey with the boys. They aren’t quite used to upscale and we were lucky to make it through without Alex spilling or breaking anything!  We decided on a more casual place tonight – and it was nice.

It was nice to have a day with no driving!

Rowing on the Lore.

David intent on learning to row. We only crashed once. Alex’s comment — “Some of the passengers are nervous!”

Chateau Chennonceua

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