The Kobylkas in Europe

Written by 9:50 pm 2012 • 6 Comments


Mostly a travel day with a 5.5 hour cruise on the Rhine River which was beautiful. We departed Mainz at 8:45am and arrived in Koblenz at 2:10pm. Gorgeous scenery all along the way with a surprising number of castles overlooking the various towns and river. Janet’s (my sister-in-law) cousin Amy is teaching in Mainz so she and her son Peter accompanied us on the trip.

We spent two hours in Koblenz waiting for our train so we walked around the town, grabbed dinner for the train and at 4:43pm departed for Berlin. We’re on the train as I write/post this blog entry, and since the iPhone can be used as an internet hotspot I’m able to upload to the web site as we head towards Berlin. I absolutely love train travel and so do the boys.

I thought about Mary Anne quite a bit during the day as today would have been our 18th anniversary. It was her idea to make the 2008 trip and she also set up this blog. Be sure to tip your glass in her honor.

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