The Kobylkas in Europe

Written by 10:00 pm 2012 • 5 Comments

Europe 2012!

Our Europe 2012 begins. I still am taking French lessons with Augustus (pictured above) and September of this year will complete my third year studying French. I read it well but I have zero confidence speaking it. I’ll give it a try when we are in France. Our itinerary is: England, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Belgium. Unlike our other trips, this visit will see significant train travel which will be fun.

We’re at the airport waiting to board our flight. We’re taking Air Canada this year so we fly to Vancouver (45 minute flight) change planes and fly direct to London. Much, much cheaper. I forgot to take a photo of Caitlain Marovich who is house sitting for us while we’re gone. It is her third time doing so. Hard to believe that we’re ready to embark on our third European adventure. David is holding an iPhone which I rented for this trip. I’ve never used a smart phone before so we’ll see how it goes.

Our flight from Seattle to Vancouver was great and took only 45 minutes. Before we landed the steward said that people traveling to London should stop by gate D54 to pick up their food voucher, and that didn’t sound good. Sure enough, our flight is delayed by six hours. So armed with $30 in food vouchers we eat dinner and hang out in the airport. The boys are excellent travelers and we’re having a good time waiting for the flight. The Vancouver airport is very comfortable with electrical outlets all over and they provide free internet access to boot.

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