We spent much of the day on the canals today which was great. I really didn’t take any good photos that showed the intricacies of the canals but I’ll show what I took. This photo is of the train station which I think is a beautiful building.
I took this photo because I liked the building plus it dates back to 1661 which you might be able to see in the upper right hand side of the building.
On our canal tour I think I heard that there are approximately 2500 bridges in Amsterdam.
This building had three different architects working on it and they could not agree on a design so each designed their own tower for the building.
Alex wanted to a photo with the cow that was close to the Tulip Museum so I obliged. The Tulip Museum was fun and surprisingly informative. We also visited the Dutch Resistance Museum which went into detail about the Dutch resistance to the Germans in WWII. It was an excellent museum and we spent over two hours in it.
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